Ali Quli Qarai, The Qur’ān with a Phrase-by-Phrase English Translation (2005)
70 Certainly We have honoured the Children of Adam,
and carried them over land and sea,
and provided them with all the good things,
and given them an advantage
over many of those We have created
with a complete preference.
71 The day We shall summon every group of people
with their imam,1
then whoever is given his book in his right hand
— they will read it,
and they will not be wronged
so much as a single date-thread.
72 But whoever has been blind in this [world],
will be blind in the Hereafter,
and [even] more astray from the [right] way.
73 They were about to beguile you
from what Allah has revealed to you
so that you may fabricate against Us
something other than that,
whereat they would have befriended you.
74 Had We not fortified you,
certainly you might have inclined toward them
a bit.
75 Then We would have surely made you taste
a double [punishment] in this life
and a double [punishment] after death,
and then you would have not found for yourself
1 That is, leader.