Ali Quli Qarai, The Qur’ān with a Phrase-by-Phrase English Translation (2005)
‘May Allah’s curse be on the wrongdoers!’
45 —Those who bar [others] from the way of Allah,
and seek to make it crooked,
and disbelieve in the Hereafter.
46 And there will be a veil between them.
And on the Elevations will be certain men
who recognize each of them by their mark.
They will call out to the inhabitants of paradise,
‘Peace be to you!’
(They 1 will not have entered it,
though they would be eager to do so.
47 And when their look is turned
toward the inmates of the Fire,
they will say, ‘Our Lord,
do not put us among the wrongdoing lot!’)
48 And the occupants of the Elevations will call out
to certain men whom they recognize by their marks,
‘Your rallying 2 did not avail you,
nor what you used to disdain.
49 Are these 3 the ones concerning whom you swore
that Allah will not extend them any mercy?’
‘Enter paradise!4
You shall have no fear,
nor shall you grieve.’
50 The inmates of the Fire will call out
to the inhabitants of paradise,
‘Pour on us some water,
1 That is, the people of paradise.
2 Or ‘your amassing.’
3 That is, the people who will be about to enter paradise.
4 Addressed to the people about to enter paradise.