Ali Quli Qarai, The Qur’ān with a Phrase-by-Phrase English Translation (2005)
93 Who is a greater wrongdoer than him
who fabricates a lie against Allah,
or says, ‘It has been revealed to me,’
while nothing was revealed to him,
and he who says,
‘I will bring the like of what Allah has sent down?’
Were you to see when the wrongdoers
are in the throes of death,
and the angels extend their hands [saying]:
‘Give up your souls!
Today you shall be requited
with a humiliating punishment
because of what you used to attribute to Allah
and for your being disdainful towards His signs.’
94 ‘Certainly you have come to Us alone,
just as We created you the first time,
and left behind whatever We had bestowed on you.
We do not see your intercessors with you
— those whom you claimed
to be [Our] partners in [deciding] you[r] [fate].
Certainly all links between you have been cut,
and what you used to claim has forsaken you!’
95 Indeed Allah is the splitter of the grain and the pit.1
He brings forth the living from the dead
and He brings forth the dead from the living.
That is Allah!
1 That is, the single, central kernel or stone of certain fruits, such as a date, peach or cherry.