Ali Muhammad Fazil Chinoy 1954

A table of contents

Reference pages

Book 1




Appendix 1. Doctrines of Shia Faith

Translation of the Glorious Koran

1. Glorification (Al-Hamd)

2. The Cow

3. The Family of Imran

4. The Woman

Book 2


Appendix 2. Prophet’s Sermon near Valley og Khum

4. The Woman (continued)

5. The Table

6. Animals

7. The Reefs

8. Crown Lands

Book 3


Appendix B (Part A). Divine Text and Divine Lights

Appendix B (Part B). Ziarat-e-Jamia

8. Crown Lands (continued)

9. Penance

10. Jonah

11. Hud

12. Joseph

13. Rad (On Clouds)

14. Abraham

15. Hijr (The Woodlanders)

16. Nahal (The Bee)

Book 4


Appendix C. Extracts from Ubsule-Kafi from Wafi, to Digest Doctrines of Shia Faith. Noted in Appendix Page Page I-V (Set I), along with Appendix B of Set III

16. Nahal (The Bee, continued)

17. Bani Israel

18. Kahaf (The Cave)

19. Mary

20. Taha

21. Anbia (Prophets)

22. The Pilgrimage

23. The Faithful

24. The Divine Lights

Book 5


Appendix D of Set V.

24. The Divine Lights (continued)

25. Furqan (The Distinction)

26. Shoara (The Poets)

27. Naml (The Ants)

28. Kisas (Stories)

29. Unkabooth (The Spider)

30. The Romans

31. Lukman

32. Sijda (Prostration)

33. Ahzab (The Tribes)

34. Sheba

Book 6


Appendix E Set 6. Abstract of Prayers of IV Divine Light to grant Amiable Character

34. Sheba (continued)

35. Malaik (Angels) or Fatir

36. Yaseen

37. Saffat (Congregators)

38. Saad (The Paradisal or Heavenly Spring)

39. Zumar (Groups)

40. Momin (The Faithful)

41. Sijda (Prostration)

42. Shurah (Consultation)

43. Zukhruf (Decoration)

44. Dukhan (Smoke)

45. Shariat or Jadia (On Knees)

46. Ahkaf (Sand Dunes)

47. Muhammad

48. Fatha (Victory)

Book 7


Appendix F for Set VII. (Ali’s) Confidential Intercourse of Sentiments

48. Fatha (Victory, continued)

49. Hajarat (Apartments)

50. Kaf

51. Winds

52. Toor (Mount Sinai)

53. Najm (The Planet)

54. Kamar (The Moon)

55. Rahman (The Merciful)

[56. Vakeya (Day of Judgment)](/explorer/ali-muhammad-fazil-chinoy/1954?page=

57. Hadid (Iron)

58. Majadelah (The Complaint)

59. Hashar (Congregating)

60. Mumtaneh (Examination)

61. Suf (The Ranks)

62. Jumma (Friday)

63. Munafekin (Hypocrites)

64. Tagabun (Mutual Interchange)

65. Talak (Divorce)

66. Tahrim (Banning or Illegalising)

67. Mulk (Kingdom)

68. Kalam (Pen)

69. Al Hakka (Certainty)

70. Meraj (Lofty-graded)

71. Noah

72. Jin (Spirit)

73. Muzam-mil (The Enfolded)

74. Mudassir (The Mantled)

75. Kiyama (Day of Enlivening)

76. Abrar (The Righteous)

77. Murselat (Spiritual Messengers)

78. Naba (Tidings or Sign)

79. Nazeath (Those “Death Angels” who drag forth human souls)

80. Abasa (He Frowned)

81. Takwir (The Overthrowing)

82. Inkitar (Declaring)

83. Tatfif (Defrauding)

84. Inshekak (Sundering)

85. Buruj (Mansions or Heavens of Zodiac)

86. Tarek (Morning)

87. Aala (Most High)

88. Ghashia (Overwhelming)

89. Fajr (The Dawn)

90. Balad (The City of Mecca)

91. Shams (The Sun)

92. Lail (The Night)

93. Uz-Zoha (The Morning)

94. Insharah (Solace)

95. Ut-Tin (The Fig)

96. Alak (The Clot)

97. Kadr (Night of Decree)

98. Bayannah (The Clear Proof)

99. Zilzal (Earthquake)

100. Adiyat (Coursers)

101. Kareya (The Calamity)

102. Takasur (Worldly Amassing)

103. Asr (The Declining Day)

104. Hamaza (Traducer)

105. Fil (Elephants)

106. Koraish (Winter and Summer Equal before Koraish)

107. Maun (Sundry Kindness)

108. Kavsar (Cistern)

109. Kaferun (Disbelievers)

110. Nasr (Success)

111. Lahab (Palm Fibre)

112. Ikhlas (Unity)

113. Falak (Day-break)

114. Nas (Mankind)


Corrigenda to Translation of Glorious Quran. Sets I to VII
