Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
the unjust shall be punished: The murther of his brother seemed easie and advantageous for him, he slew him, and is in the number of the Damned. God sent a Raven that made a pit in the Earth, and shewed him the manner to bury the body of his brother: Then said he, would to God I had been weak and impotent, that I were like to this Raven? I must bury the body of my brother, and he was penitent for his offence; by reason of this murther, we ordained to the children of Israel, that he who shall slay a person innocent, shall be punished, as if he had slain the whole world, and he that shall give him his life, shall be recompensed, as if he had given life to the whole world. My Prophets came to the Children of Israel, taught them my Commandments, and caused them to see Miracles, nevertheless many of them were disobedient: the punishment of them that oppose the will of God, that of his Prophet, and that endeavour to pollute the earth, is to be slain, hanged, to have the right foot, and the left hand, or right hand, and the left foot cut off, and to be extirpated from the earth; they shall have in this world shame on the forehead, and shall feele in the other, great torments, except such as shall be converted before their death, and shall know, that God is gracious and merciful. Oh ye that believe! fear God, fight for his Law, you perhaps shall be happy. All the Treasures of the world shall not be able to redeeme Infidels at the day of Judgment, they shall endure exceeding great torments, they shall desire to goe out of the fire of Hell, but shall dwell there eternally. Cut off the hands of those men and women that steale, they contract upon themselves the wrath of the world, and the punishment that God hath prepared for the wicked: He that shall turne, and do good works, shall be pardoned, God is gracious and merciful to the penitent. Knowest thou not that the Kingdome of Heaven, and of Earth is Gods? that he chastiseth and pardoneth whom it pleaseth him? and that he is Omnipotent? Oh Prophet! afflict not thy selfe, to behold them running to impietie; that say with the mouth, we believe, and have no faith in their hearts; neither for them that Judaize, and hearken to the lies of their Doctors, to relate them