Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
remember not his divine Majestie, except very few of them, uncertain whether they should follow the faithfull, or the Infidels; he whom God shall cause to goe astray, shall not finde the right way. Oh ye that believe! obey not Infidels, to the exclusion of true believers; will you give God manifest occasion to chastise you for your sinnes? The wicked shall be in the lowest place of Hell, and shall finde no relief, except such as shall repent, that shall do good works, resign themselves to God, and obey his Commandments, they shall be with the true believers, and receive from God a very great reward. He will not send you miserie, if you give him thanks for his favours, and obey him; he accepteth the acknowledgement of his benefits, and knoweth all things. He willeth not that what evill is committed, be published; he that publisheth the evill he doth, is very much too blame; if you manifest the good you doe, or if you conceale it, and abstain from doing evill, he will be mercifull to you, he is omnipotent. Such as blaspheme against God and his Prophets, his Apostles; such as would make a distinction between the Commandments of his divine Majestie, and the precepts of his Prophets; such as affirme they believe in some of the Prophets, and believe not in all, and take a middle way between faith and impietie, are indeed impious, we have prepared for them ignominious torments; but they who believe in God, and generally in all his Prophets, and Apostles, shall be recompensed of God, gracious and mercifull. They that know the written Law, will require thee to cause to descend from Heaven a Book, and written Tables; They demanded of {{Moses}} greater things, and said, Cause us to behold God with our eyes, then thunder surprized them by reason of their impietie: They adored the Calfe, after having had the knowledge of our Commandments; nevertheless, we pardoned them, and gave to {{Moses}} an absolute dominion over them. We raised the Mountain over them, following our promises, and said to them; Enter the Gate of the Temple with adoration and humility, and no longer transgress the observation of the day of Rest; We for this matter received from them a strong promise, but they swarved from what
The Jews.