Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
make not your prayers, being drunk, until you know what you speak; neither likewise being polluted, unless in passing on the way, until you be cleansed; if you be in a journey, or sick, or go to discharge your belly, or have known your wives, and finde no water to wash you, you shall lay hand upon the sand, and wipe your face and hands. God is gracious and merciful to his Creatures. Seest thou not how those that know the written Law, purchase Error? how they desire to mis-lead you through their riches, and divert you from the right way? God knoweth your enemies, it is enough that he is your defender and protector. Such as Judaize, alter the word of God, and say to the Prophet, wee have heard, and disobeyed thee, they heard without hearing; they say, preserve us, have care of us; neverthelesse do they pervert the word of God; in reading it, and alter his Commandments; they should doe better to say, Lord wee have heard, and obeyed; hearken onely to us, and regard us: But God hath cursed them, and few of them will believe in his Divine Majesty. O you that have knowledg of the Scriptures! believe in the Alcoran, that confirmeth the Old and New Testament, before that I deface your visages, and cause them to turn behinde your backs. I will curse Infidels, as I have cursed them of the Sabbath; the Commandment of God is incontinently executed; he pardoneth not them that associate him with companions equal to him, except this, he forgiveth sins to whom it pleaseth him: He that saith, God hath companions, blasphemeth, and mortally sinneth. Consider not such as affirm themselves to be good men; contrariwise, God maketh those good men that please him; no injustice shall befall them at the day of judgment. Consider how they blaspheme, it is sufficient that God manifestly beholdeth their sin. Seest thou not them that have knowledg of the written Law, that believe in Habot and Tagot, Idols; that say to the Infidels, Behold the way of them that believe in God? Certainly, God hath cursed them; he, whom he curseth, shall finde none to protect him. Shall they alone have part in the Kingdom of Heaven, without giving Alms? They will envy their Neighbor, for the favors God
He speaketh to the Jews and Christians.