Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
commandeth, neither considereth the good things that nourish him: We have sent rain, we opened the treasures of the earth, we have made all sorts of grain to spring forth; Blites, Olives, Dates, Gardens, and fields full of fruits, and herbs to nourish you, and your flocks. When the Angel shall sound the Trumpet the second time, Man shall flie his brother, his mother, wife, and children; every one shall take thought for himself; that day shall the wicked have countenances covered with affliction; the countenance of the good shall be joyfull, and such as have sought the way between faith and impiety, shall have their countenance covered with earth, and dust.
The Chapter of Roundness, containing twenty nine Verses, written at Mecca.
IN the Name of God, gracious and merciful. When the Roundness of the Sun shall appear, the Stars fall, the Mountains walk, the Camel be without burden, and without keeper; when the beast shall be gathered together, the Seacovered with fire, Souls return into bodies, the * Daughter demand why they put her to death; the book of good and evill shall open, when heaven shall cast off its ornaments, the fire of hell appear, and Paradise be opened; then shall souls know the good and the evill that they have committed. I swear by the Planets, by the obscurity of night, and by the brightness of day, that the words of the Alcoran are the words of the Prophet, beloved of God, powerfull with his divine Majesty; ye ought to obey him, he is a faithful observer of what is commanded him, he is not possessed of the Devill, as yee have imagined, he hath seen the Angel clearly, and without riddle, and is not perplexed for what is to come; the words of the Alcoran are not the words of the Devill; on whatsoever side ye turn you, it is only for the instruction of men, and such among you, as will follow the right way, but
* The Arabians buried their daughters alive, when they had done a fault.