Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
book had been lost, I know not what is this accompt; would to God that I had been eternally buried in the earth; the riches, authority, and treasures of the world are to me unprofitable: It shall be said to the devils, take them, binde them, and throw them headlong into hell, put chains seventy cubits long upon their arms, and cast them into fire; they would not believe in the Unity of God the Omnipotent; they have eaten the bread of the poor, they are this day without protection, and want bread, and shall finde nothing but the pains of hell prepared for the wicked. I swear, although ye see, and although ye do not see the Alcoran, it is the word of the Prophet, the Apostle of God, it is not the word of a Poet, but few persons will believe it. It is not the word of one that is wicked, but few men remember it, it is sent from God, Lord of the Universe. The Infidels say, oh Prophet! if thou speak, we will not hear thee, thy speech shall not enter into our hearts: Say unto them, There is none among you able to deliver you from the punishment of your crimes; the Alcoran instructeth in the way of salvation them that believe in his divine Majesty; I know that there are lyars among you, whom God shall put into the number of Infidels: the Alcoran is truth it self. Praised be the Name of God Omnipotent, and Majestique.
The Chapter of the Ascent, containing forty four Verses, written at Mecca.
IN the Name of God, gracious and merciful. Some persons have demanded when shall be the day of Judgment, and in what time the wicked shall be chastised? none but God is able to deliver men from the torments of hell; he is Lord of the way that ascendeth to heaven, the Angels and Spirits shall ascend towards him at the day of Judgment; that day shall seem to the wicked to endure fifty thousand years; expect with patience; the wicked imagine they are far from that day, but thou shalt