Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
and make their prayers at the time appointedd. He that taketh heed of offending him, laboureth for himself; all the world shall be one day assembled before him to be judged; The blinde are not like to such as see clear; darkness is not like to light; the shade and coolness are not like to the heat of the Sun; the living are not like the dead; God causeth himself to be understood of whom he pleaseth; thou canst not make the Commandments of God to be understood by them that are in their Sepulchers; we have sent only to preach the paines of Hell, and the joyes of Paradise, there is no place in the world where they have not been preached; If the Infidels traduce thee, their predecessors likewise traduced them whom we sent heretofore, to preach to them the mysteries of faith, and the Scriptures; they were surprised in their sins, were rigorously chastised. Seest thou not how thy Lord caused rain to fall from Heaven, to make the Earth produce many fruits of sundry sorts, and to nourish in the Mountains the Goats, the Stags, and Hinds? to nourish the Crowes and Ravens, the men, and beasts of divers kinds and forme? God gratifieth his creatures that acknowledg his benefits; he is omnipotent and mercifull. They who devoutly read the book of God, who make their prayers at the time appointed, and bestow in pious works, secretly or publiquely, part of the wealth that we have given them, have hope of a recompense that shall never perish; God shall recompense and augment his graces upon them; he is mercifull towards the good, and accepteth the acknowledgment of his graces. The book that we have sent thee containeth the truth, it confirmeth the ancient Scriptures, God knoweth and seeth all things. We have given the understanding of the Alcoran to such as we have chosen among our creatures; there be some who have ill discharged what we have taught them; some have perfromed what was enjoyned them, and others have taught it with affection and diligence through Gods permission. This is a great grace, they shall enter into the garden of Eden, where they shall remain eternally; they shall be adorned with collars of gold, enriched with precious stones, they