Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
to his divine pleasure, that are patient and humble, that speak the truth, that fast, give almes, and are chaste; and the men and women that observe his Law, ought not to control his actions, neither those of his Prophet, nor say, that they could do better then they, if they would endeavour [it.] He that disobeyeth God and his Prophet, erreth from the right way; Remember what thou didst say to him whom God favoured, to receive him into his Law, and whom thou didst gratifie with liberty, that saidst, divorce not thy wife, and fear God; thou concealest in thy mind a designe which God shall discover, thou fearest the people, but it is thy duty to fear God alone. When Zeid did repuidate his wife, we married thee to her, to the end there might remain no error among the True-believers; when they shall repudiate their wives, they shall observe in repudiating them, what God hath ordained. The Prophet sinneth not in doing what God hath permitted; the Law of God was in this manner observed by our predecessors, and the command of his divine Majesty is executed without delay. Such as preach the word of God, his Apostles and Prophets, fear none but his divine Majesty, it sufficeth them that they are in his protection. Mahomet is not your father, he is the Apostle of God, and the last of all the Prophets, God knoweth all things, there shall not come another Prophet after him. Oh yee that believe in God! think frequently on his divine Majesty, prayse him morning and evening, he shall give you his mercy; the Angels implore pardon, that he may deliver from darkness; he is mercifull to True-believers; the Angels shall salute them on his behalfe at the day of Judgment; he hath prepared for them an exceeding great reward. Oh Prophet! we have sent thee to be witness of the deportments of the people, and as a light to conduct them into the right way; proclaime to the True-believers that they shall receive of thy Lord an exceeding great grace; obey not Infidels, nor the wicked, fear not their malice, and trust in God, thou oughtest to be satisfied that God protecteth thee. O ye that believe! it is not lawfull for you to abuse your wives; if you repudiate them before ye
Mahomet was amorous of Zeid his slaves wife, he caused him to repudiate her, to marry her, because of her beauty.
He is not the father of Zeid, to espouse the wife which he put away.
See Tefsir ans Joabir.