Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
that speaketh, that understandeth, teacheth men Justice, and followeth the right way? Whatsoever is in Heaven, or on Earth appertaineth to God, when he commandeth any thing, it is performed in the twinkling of an eye, yea sooner, he is omnipotent: He it is that causeth you to come out of the wombe of your mother, that giveth you hearing, sight, and sense, perhaps ye will returne him thanks; See ye not the birds that flye in the Aire; who sustaineth them but God? It is an evident sign of his omnipotency for the True believers, he hath given you houses to inhabit, and the skins and furres of beasts to cover you, he hath given you their haire, and wooll, to furnish your houses, and enrich you; he created trees and clouds to oveershadow you, made the Mountains and Caves to cover you from rain, created garments to defend you from the heat of the Sun, and the rigour of cold, he hath accomplished his grace upon you, peradventure you will resigne your selves to the will of his divine Majesty, and professe his Unity. If the unbelievers depart from the way of the Law, thou art obliged only to preach to them intelligibly; they know the grace of God, and contemne it, for that the greatest part of them are impious; preach unto them the day, wherein I will raise again all the Nations of the world, and the Prophets and Apostles who have preached to them my Commandments, there shall be no excuse for Infidels, neither shall they finde protection, or relaxation of their miseries: When they shall behold their Idols, they shall confess that they were mislead, they shall understand the unity of thy Lord, and that their Idols are not able to intercede for them. God hath added to the punishment of Infidels, hath sent them evill upon evill, because they hinder the world to follow his Law: Preach unto them the day, wherein I will cause to rise again all the Nations of the world, with the Prophet who preached to them, to be witness of their actions; I will be witness against them of thy Nation; I have sent thee the Booke that unfoldeth the mysteries of my Law, to guide the people into the right way, and to declare the joyes of Paradise to such as profess my unity. God commandeth you to do only that which