Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
Enter without fear into Egypt, caused him to sit down, and his brethren fell prostrate before him. My Father, said he, behold there the interpretation of mine old dream, God hath rendred it true, he hath favored me, in delivering me from prison, and conducting you hither; he hath put an end to the jealousie which the devil had procured between me and my brethren. The Lord is liberal to whom seemeth good to him; he knoweth what is necessary for his people, and is most prudent in what he ordaineth. Lord, thou hast given me wealth, and knowledg to interpret dreams. Creator of Heaven and Earth, thou art my protector, give me the grace to die in thy Law, and place me in the number of the righteous. This History of Joseph, is an ancient History which I relate to thee. Thou wert not with his brethren when they conspired against him; nevertheless, the greatest part of the people are incredulous. Demand no reward of them for having preached the Alcoran, it instructeth onely the wise. How many signes be there in Heaven and Earth, of the unity of God? yet the people believe not therein, and most of them adore Idols; assuredly God shall punish them at an unexpected hour, and in a time which they know not. Say unto them, Behold the right way, I call to the way of Salvation and Light, such as follow me. I return thanks to God, for that I am not in the number of unbelievers. We sent aforetime none but men to instruct the people; will not men consider what hath been the end of the wicked that were before them? Paradise is for them that are righteous; will ye not be converted? They caused the Prophets to loose all hopes of their Conversion, and believed them to be lyars; but we protected them, and delivered from their malice such as seemed good to us. Nothing shall exempt the wicked from the punishment of their pains; they shall serve for example to men of spirit. The Alcoran containeth no blasphemies, it confirmeth the ancient Scriptures, and teacheth True-believers the way of Salvation.
He speaketh to Mahomet.