Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
shall dwell for ever in Paradise. The wicked are as deaf, and blinde, and the True-believers are like those who have good sight and perfect hearing; shall they be in parallel to each other? will ye never consider it? We sent Noah to reprove men for their sinnes, he said to them, worship but one God alone, otherwise I fear ye shall be chastised at the day of Judgment; The Doctors of the Infidels answered him, we see thee to be a man, like us, and that such as follow thee are poore people, blinde, and without counsell; we perceive not that thou hast any grace, that ought to preferre thee to us; contrariwise, we believe thee to be a lyar; he said, oh people! know ye not that God hath taught me what I preach to you, that he hath given me the grace of Prophecie, and deprived you of it? shall I exhort you to acknowledge his grace, seeing ye abhorre him? Oh peoole! I require no recompense of you for my paines, God will reward me largely, I desire not to banish True-believers from my company, they shall one day appear before their Lord, but I perceive that yee are ignorant. Oh people! who shall hinder God to punish me, if I abuse True-believers? Will ye not consider it? I say not that I possesse the treasures of God, I know not what shall be; I say not that I am an Angel, I say not to them whom you contemne, that God shall enrich them, God knoweth what is in their souls; should I maintain such discourse, I should have great blame. They said, oh Noah! we have a long time disputed together; if thou art sincere, let us see the paines which thou preachest to us; God, said he, when it shall please him, shall cause you to see them, you shall not escape them, my instructions shall be to you unprofitable; if God will prove you, he is your Lord, and you shall one day be assembled before him to be judged. Will the unbelievers say, that thou hast forged the Alcoran, and that it is of thine invention? Say unto them, if I have invented it, sinne will be upon me, and I am innocent of your blasphemies. God inspired into Noah, that none should believe in his words, but such as had already believed in him: He said unto him, build an Arke conformable to the inspiration that we have sent thee, but speak no