Alexander Ross, The Alcoran of Mahomet, translated out of Arabick into French, by the Sieur Du Ryer, Lord of Malezair, and resident for the French king, at Alexandria. And newly Englished, for the satisfaction of all that desire to look into the Turkish vanities. (1649)
Truth; God knoweth all their actions, there is no falshood in the Alcoran, it confirmeth the ancient Scriptures, and perspicuously explaineth them; there is no doubt, but it proceedeth from the Lord of the Univers. They say Mahomet hath invented this Book; say unto them, come and bring any thing that resembleth it in Doctrine and Eloquence, and call the Idols which ye adore, we shall see if you are sincere; on the contrary, they have blasphemed, and have talked of what they understood not, when they heard the exposition of the Alcoran: Thus did their Predecessours; but consider what is the end of the unjust; There be among them, who will believe in this Book, and others that will not believe; Thy Lord knoweth them that defile the earth; if they slander thee, say unto them, I will answer with my actions, and ye shall answer with yours, ye are innocent of what I act, and I am innocent of what yee do. There be persons among them that have inclination to heare thee, but art thou able to cause the deafe to heare? Should they not be deafe, they would learne nothing; Others there be, who look towards thee, but art thou able to guide the blinde? should they see clearly, they would not follow the right way; God doth no injustice to men, they do injury to themselves, through the enormity of their offences. I will cause them to rise again at the day of Judgment, as if they had remained but one hour of a day in the grave; they shall know each other, and the wicked who have not believed in the Resurrection, shall be damned: I will shew thee many of them whom I will chastise; I will cause thee to die before they be chastised, and they all shall appear before me to be judged; God is witness of their actions, he shall punish them according to their demerits; every Nation of the world hath had a Prophet sent from God, who hath judged with reason, and without injustice, the differences that were among them touching Religion: They have said, at what time shall the wrath of God appear? Say unto them, I, of my self, can neither procure good nor evill, if God doth not permit it; every one hath his destiny, when the time of their destiny arriveth, they can neither retard, or advance it one hour. Have yee considered the