Thomas Ballantyne Irving 1985

A table of contents

Reference pages



Table of Contents

Introduction to the Noble Reading

The Qur’an

1. The Opening

2. The Cow

3. The House of ʿImrān

4. Women

5. The Table

6. Livestock

7. The Heights

8. Booty

9. Repentance or Dispensation

10. Jonah

11. Hūd [The Messenger]

12. Joseph

13. Thunder

14. Abraham

15. Stoneland (or Rock [City])

16. Bees

17. The Night Journey (or Glory, or The Children of Israel)

18. The Cave

19. Mary

20. Tā-Hā

21. Prophets

22. Pilgrimage

23. Believers

24. Light

25. The Standard (or Criterion)

26. Poets

27. The Ants

28. Stories

29. The Spider

30. The [East] Romans (or the Byzantines)

31. Luqmān

32. Worship or Adoration (Bowning Down on One’s Knees)

33. The Coalition (or The [Combined] Forces)

34. Sheba

35. Originator (or The Angels)

36. Yā-Sīn

37. Drawn Up In Ranks

38. [The Letter] Ṣād (Ṣ.)

39. Throngs

40. The Believer or The Forgiving [God]

41. [Signs] Spelled Out (or Ḥā-Mīm on Worship — Bowing Down on One’s Knees

42. Consultation

43. Luxury

44. Smoke

45. Crouching

46. The Dune

47. Muḥammad (or Fighting)

48. Victory (or Conquest)

49. The [Inner] Apartment

50. (The Letter) Qāf (or Q.)

51. Winnowing [Winds]

52. The Mount

53. The Star

54. The Moon; (or The Hour Approaches)

55. The Mercy-giving

56. The Inevitable

57. Iron

58. The Pleading Woman (or God Has Heard…)

59. Banishment

60. Examining Her

61. Battle Array

62. Friday (or Congregation)

63. Hypocrites

64. Haggling

65. Divorce

66. Prohibition

67. Control

68. The Pen; (or the Letter N.)

69. Reality

70. Staircases Upward (or A Skeptic Asking)

71. Noah

72. Sprites

73. Bundled up

74. The Man Wearing a Cloak

75. Resurrection

76. Every[Man] (or This [Day-and-]Age)

77. [Winds] Sent Forth

78. The Announcement

79. [Soul-]Snatchers

80. He Frowned!

81. Extinguished! (or Wrapping Things Up)

82. Bursting Apart

83. The Cheats (or Cheating)

84. Splitting Open

85. Constellations

86. The Nightcomer (or The Morning Star)

87. Glory to Your Lord in the Highest

88. The Pall

89. Daybreak

90. [This] Countryside

91. The Sun

92. Night

93. Morning Bright!

94. Consolation (or Relief)

95. The Figtree

96. The Clot (or Read!)

97. Power (or Fate)

98. Evidence

99. The Earthquake

100. The Chargers

101. The Stunning [Blow] (or The Disaster)

102. Competition

103. Eventide (or The Epoch)

104. The Gossipmonger

105. The Elephant

106. Quraysh (or Winter)

107. Almsgiving (or Have You Seen?)

108. Plenty

109. Disbelievers (or Atheists)

110. [Divine] Support

111. The Flame (or Palm-Fiber)

112. Sincerity (or [God’s] Oneness)

113. Dawn

114. Mankind


The End (Closing Prayer)