Donor FAQs
What is the Quran Archive?
Quran Archive is a web application that provides free texts and studies on the Quran, and its mission is to make the Quran easily accessible for everyone around the world. The Quran Archive don’t run ads, but we still need to pay for servers and staff. That’s where a donation from you can make a real difference. If you find our Quran Explorer or other web features useful, we welcome your support. Donate here.
Why should I donate and where does my money go?
Your contributions support the hardware, software and people to deliver a secure and snappy experience across our iOS, Android and Desktop browsers to millions around the world. Donations from our supporters help keep the Quran Archive thriving for all global citizens who value easy and free access to texts and studies on the Quran.
Are my donations tax deductible?
We’re working on becoming a nonprofit public charity, part of the donations will go to the legal establishment of a nonprofit entity. Currently your donations are not tax deductive.
Why is there a minimum donation for credit cards?
We are grateful for all donations received. Unfortunately, it is not uncommon for fraudsters to use donation mechanisms such as ours to test stolen credit cards to see if they work. Those people tend to use a very small amount for their testing: a minimum donation amount helps to deter this fraudulent activity.
What is your refund policy?
Refund requests must be made within 8 days of donation by contacting [email protected] with the following information:
- Full name of donor
- Date of donation
- Amount donated
- Payment method used (e.g. PayPal, credit card). Do not share your credit card number.
- Country of origin
- Reason for the refund
Refunds will be processed as quickly as possible. Some payment methods may require refunds to be made through the payment method (card) utilized, which may prompt the need for additional information to process your refund. Any fees required for the refund will be covered by the amount donated.
What is Quran Archive’s Donor Privacy Policy?
You can find the Quran Archive’s donor privacy policy here.